Career Profile

Aspiring graduate with a solid foundation in algorithms, networks and systems design, who is passionate about writing efficient code, solving challenging problems, and learning new technologies.


Mathematics and Scientific Computing (B.S.)

2016 - current
Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur


Web Developer Intern

Deskera Systems
  • Objective: To develop and merge a document creation feature from emails and send notifications to a CRM project server
  • Developed an email fetching service in PHP and Golang to get all the emails of an account after login using Gmail API
  • Improved the POC by adding a Query functionality using Gmail API’s q parameter to set up a filter over all emails
  • Implemented push notifications feature for updates using Watch() request in Google Cloud Pub/Sub API via Webhooks
  • Included emails with attachments and assisted in the merging of notifications part of the project to the parent CRM project

Augmented Reality Developer Intern

WowExp Technologies
  • Objective: To experiment and check if a list of conceptual ideas could be realised in Augmented Reality feasibly
  • Developed an AR Portal using Unity shaders and a locally playable foosball game using Photon for multiplayer feature
  • Developed a furniture demo app using ARCore SDK allowing users to place furniture on the floor in real time and visualize
  • Designed an algorithm in C# to calculate the tracked plane$’$s dimensions and used it to incorporate vertical plane detection
  • Developed an AR Salon in SparkAR using face tracker to mount wigs, goggles and makeup on the detected face for try-out

Augmented Reality Developer Intern

Transcendent Digitech Solutions
  • Objective: To develop an E-Learning Android application in Augmented Reality to help students with hard concepts
  • Developed an app TipiT using Google Sceneform API to augment custom built 3D models taken as input in realtime -Led a group of 3 interns to make an app Kautuk to assist students in visualising hard concepts using Google ARCore
  • Developed a markerless Web AR POC using Three.js and used Firebase for the Database and Authentication of TipiT


From NAND to Tetris Hardware and Software - Developed a general purpose computer (HACK) starting from NAND Gate to ALU & memory to Assembler using HDL. Implemented a virtual machine and a compiler for JACK, a java like OOP language over the hardware platform (HACK) Developed a basic operating system that closes gaps between the high-level language and the underlying hardware platform
Encrypted Dropbox Computer Systems Security - Implemented a cryptographically secure, encrypted and authenticated file storage server given a maliscious storage server and a trusted public key server
Student Voting System using Blockchain - Developed a Decentralised voting System on Ethereum Blockchain with no central authority and designed a Voter Identity Randomization Algorithm to send votes incognito to MySQL database and held a demo election
Understanding Deepfakes wiht Keras - Implemented a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) in Keras to generate artificial images similar to handwritten 0 from MNIST dataset
Real Time OCR and Text detection - Trained a Tensorflow CNN model to recognize relevant areas of text in any image and generat text output using Google's OCR software and pytesseract
Web Application Security Testing with Burp Suite - Successfully circumvented DVWA's and OWASP Mutillidae's vulnerabilities using Burp Suite proxy and a repeater by sniffing and altering credentials and used dictionary attacks to brute force as admin
Network Data Science with NetworkX in Python - Analysed and visualised network centrality on a sample network and randomly generated social networks and other graphs
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping - Developed a SLAM POC library and implemented object detection to detect planar surfaces using 2D & 3D sensors